Boost Your Knowledge: Free HSbooster.Eu Training Session On European Standardisation System

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Newsletter Training Academy Session 2: European Standardisation System

Come join us for our second Training Academy's online session on 15 June 2023 at 10:00-11:30 CEST, where we'll be diving deep into the fascinating world of the European Standardisation System. This time we’ll be joined by two special guests from the European Standardisation landscape:  
  • Ashok Ganesh, Director of Market Perspectives & Innovation from CEN-CENELEC
  • David Boswarthick, Director of New Technologies at ETSI
Explore the Unique European Standardisation System
Discover how this system plays a vital role in establishing and strengthening the European Single Market. Europe has an unparalleled approach, where once a European Standard is published, it becomes the national standard in 34 European countries. Such harmonisation and seamless flow of services and products, transcends borders within Europe and across the globe.

Engage with Prominent European Standardisation Organisations 
As well as learning more about CEN-CENELEC and ETSI, you can also interact with the speakers and ask your own questions. The webinar is closely linked to the Training Academy with a dedicated module on the European Standardisation System

Who should attend? This training session is specifically tailored for researchers participating in EU-funded R&I projects and anyone interested in the fundamentals of standardisation. 

Secure your spot in this insightful online training session! Don't miss this valuable opportunity to enhance your knowledge and stay at the forefront of standardisation practices. We can't wait to welcome you to this enlightening session! 

Meet our Trainers Training Academy:

2 more Training Sessions in June

With the Training Academy launched in April 2023, we’re now well underway with our Training Webinar series.  

Gaming Session 1: Serious Smiling Game
20 June 2023, 10:00-12:00 CEST

Join us for the launch of our first online Standards-based game. Training in negotiation skills is a recommendation in the EC’s Code of Practice for Standardisation where is directly cited. This role-playing game simulates the discussion in an ad hoc working group within the imaginary organisation for standardisation. The game, which has been designed in collaboration with House of Knowledge, aims to develop soft skills needed in standardisation processes, focusing on argumentation skills, strategic positioning, building compromise and common understanding. 

Only 25 places are available so register as soon as possible.

Training Session 3: Standards Users and Use of Standards
23 June 2023, 10:00-11:30 CEST

Standards directly influence more than 80% of world trade, but who are the people who use standards and how are standards actually used? This webinar will look to answer these questions and more as we continue our beginner series of webinars on standardisation. We’ll introduce the two types of standard users—direct and indirect—as well as look at how standards are used and their influence in the market.

Registration is now open.
Unlock Your Potential with the Horizon Standardisation Booster
Join the Community
Email has received funding from the EU’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 101058391

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